
Pre-Kindergarten Program

Our Pre-Kindergarten Program (Kangaroo Room) is made up of students attending kindergarten the following fall. Depending on your child's birthday, he/she may move into this class in September or January.

We spend the year working on skills and concept development in preparation for Hilliard City Schools' kindergarten expectations, as well as the goals of the Early Learning Development Standards. We participate in a wide range of enriching experiences, incorporating art, sensory, manipulative, mathematics, science, social studies, language arts, literacy, gross motor, and dramatic play into our day. It is our ultimate goal to prepare each child in the kangaroo class for a successful kindergarten experience!

Tomorrow's Child Preschool

Kangaroo Goals & Milestones

  • Spell first and last name
  • Write capital and lowercase letters
  • Know phone number and address
  • Count to 100 by 1s, 5s, 10s
  • Simple addition and subtraction
  • Recall parts of a story and answer simple questions about it
  • Show interest and appreciation for print
  • Recognize and point out small words (i.e., a, an, on)
  • Hear rhyming words
  • Ability to sit at learning stations for a 15 -20-minute period
  • Tie shoes
  • Social skills and confidence
  • Maintain self-control in the classroom

Kids Learning Social Skills

Tomorrow's Child Preschool
Tomorrow's Child Preschool
Tomorrow's Child Preschool